
The lives and adventures of Joey, Pebbles, Benji, Bruiser and Jax.



A question that we get frequently is “How do you not have tear stains?”

Guess What?!? We used to! But, not anymore! These two photos of Bruiser were 12 months apart.


We 100% believe it has to do with diet. For a while, we had horrible tear stains. We ate grain free kibble, drank filtered water, and thought we were doing everything right…but the stains around our eyes and mouths just wouldn’t go away.

We think of tear stains on us pups, like you humans might look at acne or a rash. If you eat something your body doesn’t like, you’ll break out in pimples or maybe even a rash. It’s your body’s way of saying, “This isn’t good for me.” We believe tear stains are our body’s way of saying we’re taking in something our body doesn’t like.

Eight years ago, we switched over to eating a real food, species appropriate diet. Within a few months, we could see the stains starting to clear up. We’ve never looked back!

These two photos of Pebbles were 6 months apart.


You can even see the change in how much the red left Joey’s beard. These two photos were 9 months apart.


Whether you choose to eat raw or cooked, we don’t think it matters. We see benefits to both and honestly believe you should do whichever approach makes you more comfortable. Just make sure you never ever serve cooked bones. They could splinter inside the digestive tract!

It's important to look at everything you eat…including meals, treats and supplements. You want to make sure that there aren’t any hidden, questionable ingredients. We believe the cleaner you eat, the snazzier you’ll look, the better you’ll feel and hopefully the longer life you will live!

We have learned, and continue to learn, a lot from Dr Dobias! He’s our go-to pet guru. He truly believes in helping us pets live long and healthy lives! We also use his brand of vitamins, minerals, probiotics and fish oil.

While Mommy tries to control everything we eat and drink, sometimes, when we travel, we do get exposed to things that may not be perfectly clean. She’ll start to see the beginnings of tear stains developing in the corners of our eyes.


When this happens, she knows our livers are over-taxed and it’s time for a Liver Cleanse! Again, we turn to Dr Dobias and his LiverTune product.


If you’re switching from kibble to a real food diet, doing a liver cleanse would be a good idea, as well.


It’s super easy. You just pop open the capsule and shake it out onto our food, and we eat it up, just like our vitamins and minerals!


Just like with any changes in our health, you will not see immediate results. Consistency and dedication are required!


(Note: The links in this article are affiliate links and we make a small percentage of any sales resulting in orders from these links).

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