
The lives and adventures of Joey, Pebbles, Benji, Bruiser and Jax.



During the last years of Pebbles’ life, we spent time evaluating her day-to-day, judging her quality of life and wrestling with making the right decision for her. When the time came for us to make the ultimate decision, it was so difficult. While our hearts wanted to waver, our minds knew it was the right decision.

When it came down to saying goodbye and feeling her take her last breath, it was beyond gut wrenching. Together we had all fought so hard for her. We had given and tried our best, and yes, it had paid off. We had more time than we could have ever imagined with her, which was the greatest gift!

While tears fell from our eyes, there was a sense of peace that overcame me. A knowing that we had made the right decision for her.

Interestingly, I have felt that sense of peace since that day. I’ve still had moments of tears and sadness. I still catch myself looking at the dogs, and looking for her. But, overall, my grief and sadness has been mild.

I don’t know if it’s the fact that we’ve done this before, so I had a sense of what to expect. If it’s the fact that it was a long time coming, so I was prepared. Or, if it has something to do with her dementia, and the fact that we lost the true “Pebbles” a long time ago.

It doesn’t really matter what the reason is. What matters is that I recognize that while I still grieve, my grief is different than it was with Joey. Which is not a bad thing. It doesn’t mean I loved her less. It just means that mentally and spiritually, I’m in a different place.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised…for over 16 1/2 years, she challenged me! She forced me to look at the world differently. To learn about dogs, dog behavior and dog health…both mental and physical. What a surprise, she’s making me look at loss differently, too!

As we prepared to visit Angels Rest at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, where she would join Joey, I felt her spirit around me even more. She was ready to be in the most beautiful place on Earth! She was ready to play us music and feel the love and peace that overflows from this magical place.

As the day approached, my heart ached a little bit more than it had, but I knew that once she was there, another sense of peace would be with me. Just as it had been when we placed Joey at Angels Rest.

“While each memorial represents loss, they also represent love and devotion. Add that love and devotion to nature’s beauty, and the serenity and peace that fill the area, top it off with the music of the wind chimes…and there is no doubt when we are there we are surrounded by Angels.” – Gone, But Never Forgotten

Now, Pebbles has joined Joey and together the two of them are watching over all of us. Sending us signs. Reminding us that they are always with us. That they live on in our hearts and the spirits of the other pups.

Every time we visit Angels Rest, we can feel their presence. We hear their songs. We see their messages. We feel their love and our love for them. Our memories of them come flooding back! We can see them as they were in their best days…strong, independent, determined, spunky, sassy and full of life!

“Joey’s Memorial at Angels Rest is now a place where we can go to remember him, to be surrounded by so much love and to hold tight to those memories we have when he himself visited the area. A magical place where he hiked in the red dirt, across the coral sands and through the slot canyons…always full of spunk and determination.” – Gone, But Never Forgotten

Today is World Pet Memorial Day. While we think of and remember those we have lost on a daily basis, why not make today an extra special remembrance day!

  • Find some of your favorite photos and videos, and remind yourself of your pets’ quirks and adorableness! Even share them online!

  • Take a walk or a hike on their favorite trail. Or visit their favorite store. Get their favorite ice cream. Or do something you did together on their last days.

  • Print your favorite photo of them and hang it on the wall.

  • Have a piece of jewelry created, with their name, with their tags, with their ashes. The options are endless…especially with Etsy!

  • Plant a tree, or a bush, or even a garden.

  • Make a donation in their name.

  • Volunteer at a local shelter.

  • Create a memorial. It doesn’t have to be big or elaborate. Maybe just a stone or a marker in your backyard. Or an area inside the house where you have their urn. Add some flowers, or a trinket that reminds you of them.

I know everyone isn’t as blessed to live within driving distance of Angels Rest. That’s okay. Do what you can to create a memorial to your pet. I truly believe it will help mend that heart break…a little bit!

Even if you’re not within driving distance of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Best Friends offers other memorial options. (https://bestfriends.org/donate/pet-memorials) Not only will you be paying tribute to your pet, but you’ll be helping Best Friends in their mission to save as many lives as possible!

In my book, Gone, But Never Forgotten, I share what we did to memorialize Joey and help heal our hearts. Maybe our ideas will inspire you!

We’re each different. Our pets are different. Do what feels right to you! As I said in my previous post, we each grieve in our own way. Which also means, we will each cope and memorialize in our way. That’s what makes this world an amazing place…our uniqueness! Just like our pets are each unique, so are we, and only we can know what will help us cope with the loss of our beloved pet.